Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

Media in Teaching and learning English at SMP-IT Hidayatul Mujahidin

Teaching and learning English needs media to arouse the students’ motivation in learning English. The necessity of media is almost basic. Media is various in whether form or its application in the process of teaching and learning in the class. The media can be in form of picture, plays, cards, audio-visual, and newspaper. 

Since many experts have suggested those media to support learning activity, the teacher should focus what appropriate to the learning objectives he wants to get by applicating media itself. The material here should be authentic one. That is purposed to provide the real knowledge about the English
The teacher can also use the other media for learning vocabulary at the senior high school. In the writer’s opinion, it is better to learn vocabulary through reading real texts - such as newspaper, magazines, or brochures - in spite of presenting words separately or just having the students to memorize many words. In this case, the writer wants to propose teaching vocabulary through reading magazines as the alternative of increasing student’s motivation in learning English.
In general discussion about English as foreign languages, the students still have difficulties in learning it. The students are still unable to use English in communication, either for their study or for even their daily communication. 

The low ability to use English in communication influences the students’ motivation to learn it further. The English learning almost become “ a disconnected process” occurred in every level of students. The failure of understanding English words or sentences often permits the students to put off their willing to learn English. It is undeniably reason that English words are different from those of the mother tongue. Since they are unwilling to learn English vocabulary, the problems of learning vocabulary still continue

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